About Us

Our history

The Hunt was formed in 2002 by the amalgamation of the Vale of Aylesbury with the Garth and South Berks, themselves amalgamations of the Garth, the South Berks, the Old Berkeley, the South Oxfordshire, the Woodland, and Hertfordshire Hunts in earlier times. It was renamed ‘Kimblewick Hunt’ in 2010.

Our kennels

Our kennels are at Kimblewick, near Aylesbury and visitors are always welcome. The kennels are run by the huntsman, who is assisted by the whipper-in and Countryman. Stud grooms are responsible for the horses.

Our season

We hold meet from early September until early April. Meets in September and October (autumn hunting) follow an early morning or afternoon pattern and this is the time when new hounds are entered. Meets are frequent at this time of year. From the Opening Meet in early November we meet three times a week and meets are normally held at 11am. Meet dates are available from the Secretary but please be aware that not all days are open to everyone.

Thank you to farmers & landowners

Like all hunts, we are dependent on our very generous farmers, landowners and gamekeepers for allowing us to hunt over their land when the farming year permits. We offer a fox culling service within the law to all those who need it.  Farmers and Landowners who kindly allow us to hunt over their land are invited to a number of events organised by the Kimblewick including; Point-to-Point race meetings, Clay shoots, our Puppy Show and a Farmers dinner at the end of the season.

Why we wear yellow

The Huntsman and Whipper-In of the Kimblewick Hunt wear the tawny yellow-coloured livery of the former Old Berkeley Hunt. This is quite unusual as staff with most other hunts wear a red coat (although some wear green or other colours).  It is a tradition that harks back many years and has remained constant despite a variety of hunt mergers along the way.

The Hunt staff wear five brass buttons on their tawny yellow coats, mahogany tops on their boots and they carry white hunting whips. An amateur whipper-in is usually a subscriber who helps hunt staff with their job, and may wear a red or black coat.

Hunt staff, Masters and Officials are the only people who may wear a traditional velvet hunting cap with the ribbon tails left free. This is so they may be identified from behind. Anyone else who wears a velvet cap should sew up the tails of the ribbon.

Hunt staff wear the tawny yellow livery, lady Masters wear black or navy coats with yellow collars and brass buttons, and gentlemen Masters wear red coats with yellow collars and brass buttons. 


Members of the Kimblewick Hunt are those who wear the Hunt Button.  The Button is awarded by the Masters and traditionally is an honour bestowed following exceptional service to the Hunt.    Ladies who receive their Buttons are also invited to wear the tawny yellow collar on their hunt coat.  The button is black with KH inscribed in white.

Honorary Life Members are invited by the Hunt Committee in recognition of their outstanding service to the Hunt. 

Contact us

For  more information, or to join us out trail hunting please contact by email

Mrs Laura Heard  



The Kimblewick Hunt country covers parts of Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire and extends approximately 65 miles north to south and 40 miles east to west - roughly the size of Cornwall. The terrain is widely varied, from woodland to heath, grass to plough, with jumpable hedges, logs, ditches and post and rail fences.